The case for SSD cache in a NAS

I started writing this post on 25 September 2020. When I finished the post on July 2021, DSM 7 came out. Synology forked flashcache which is a deprecated cache library from Facebook. Apparently Synology improved the caching mechanism quite a bit. So the basics might be fine, but the timing data may be a bit outdated.

I recently upgraded my home NAS to DS 920+ from a DS 718+. The newer versions comes with 2 M.2 NVMe slots. They are meant to be used as an SSD cache. This year Synology have been including more of these slots to be used for SSD cache. I have nothing but good things to say about Synology devices. So I have been thinking about this from a system design perspective.

The use of an NVMe drive as cache have been a contentions issue on the /r/synology sub-reddit. I have been reading about the cache more to understand the design. I have come to learn about the over-provisioning issue in the NVMe drives. That limits the use of an NVMe drive as a cache device. Even before that, another question is, why not use the SSD as a boot drive rather than a cache? Let’s go through them step by step.

The second question is why not use the NVMe drive as a boot drive? Thinking about it, the purpose of an SSD type flash device is to reduce start up time for the device. For a NAS, the device usually sits in a corner at the home, serves files. The device is rarely restarted. Longest period of time I haven’t restarted my NAS is for 7 months. So an SSD as a boot drive doesnt help much.

So where will it help? Apparently Synology thinks it will help if the SSD is used as a read only or a read-write cache. As I write mostly large files to teh NAS, read-write cache doesn’t make much sense. So I went with a read only cache. Synology suggests their name brand SSD for this, I went for a consumer grade SSD from Western Digital. In DSM 6, there’s an option to avoid caching of large block files. So the caching only happens for random small files.

First the elephant in the roam. It have been pointed out with scary detail why this is a bad idea. Diggin deeper, the concern comes from over-provisioning of an NVMe drive. In simpler terms, when the SSD needs to write one page and the SSD is almost full, it has to delete a block, which is larger than the page size. The SSD have a mechanism to copy the excess data to a cache. Then it writes back the data to SSD. Meanwhile the OS is waiting for confirmation from the SSD. Often times the write times out and crashes a volume.

All of this is a valid concern. But this only happens if over-provisioning needs to happen. If the data needed for read cache is way smaller than the SSD, the read cache works fine. After I started using the cache, largest I have seen the cache size is 40% of the cache.

On the positive note, the cache improves random reads quite a bit. I ran some tests. For a cold load a web app takes about 2 seconds. But after the small files are on a cache, the same app takes about 0.02s. So when the cache need is smaller than the cache SSD size, the use of SSD cache is not that bad.

Mindset of designing an air-gapped systems

This post is a work in progress where I am trying to write down the mindset that is needed to design an air-gapped HPC system.

We are so used to everything connected to internet that, the limitations of an air-gapped system might seem alien at first. The company I work for, KLA (earlier known as KLA-Tencor) have been building air-gapped systems for decades. In fact KLA is one of the first few semiconductor focused companies that were establibshed in Silicon Valley. My experience in this domain is novice at best. Like everything else, I try to capture the principles that drive a concept. So here’s my first stab about the mindset that is needed to design an air-gapped system. While I myself work on such HPC systems, I will try to keep it general enough for other domains as well.

Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong

If you have worked with system administration for a while, you must be familiar with Murphy’s law by now. Have a backup of the data, have some spares in case of a hardware failure and we will see, right? Not so fast for an air-gapped system. How do we know it’s a software problem or a hardware problem? If it’s a hardware problem, which component is the culprit? Being an air-gapped system, we can’t just do apt install magical-debug-tool and find out what’s happening.

So we have to think couple of steps ahead. We have to list down possible scenarios during the design phase where the system will break. The objective would be to include the necessary tools there. We also have to test them before we ship the system. We don’t want to add a script that might fail when the system is down.

It’s imperative that we can’t predict all the possible scenarios. What if our existing tools and scripts doesn’t cover a scenario? So what we can do is to have a comprehensive log collection system for further investigation. In a scenario where we don’t have a tool to debug the problem, last resort is to have all the logs.

Everything needs to be version controlled

It’s easy to keep things version controlled when it’s code. What about the operating system? Can we version control an OS that we are customizing from ground up? We can use confiuration management systems to maintain a “state”. But how about having a state at the first place? Also inherently it is assumed that state management systems will have access to internet which isn’t true anymore. We can work around that, but more than often that’s not ideal.

While there is terraform like solutions for cloud based systems, the bare metal world is heavily platform dependent. We also have some requirements that limit our options. We got lucky and came across kiwi. This is developed by nice folks of Suse and works excellent for rpm based Linux systems. Kiwi gives us a very fine tuned way of building a custom OS that is also version controlled. How cool is that? If you are curious, check out this github repo to check out some minimal working versions of different OS versions: kiwi descriptions.

Thanks to kiwi, when we have to create an OS for a new system, they are all version controlled and we know exactly what is included there.

Any task that is automated, needs to have a manual way to achieve the same

Automation is great. We all love automation. But often when we automate something, some certain scenarios are assumed. When these scenarios are different, it’s quite hard to adopt anything new in an air-gapped system.

Story time. When powering on a system for the first time in an air-gapped system, we chose to mount our object storage from server 1 of 3 available servers. We wrote a script, it was working great in our in-house system. Now when the system is far from home in an air-gapped system, something new happened. There was a power trip when the servers were being turned on. “Something” happened with server 1 and it isn’t turning on. No worries, we have 2 more servers, right? Yes. But the script we shipped only mounts from server 1 when being powered on for the first time. Who would have thought this might happen the very first time? Not me. Now because server 1 is down, we can’t make the script work increasing down time. And not to mention cascading affects that come with it.

The upshot is, assumptions happen. It’s impossible to capture all the possible scenarios, there are simply too many variables. For our case, the mistake was too much automation. We automated the process, but didn’t have a way to achieve the same manually. Having a manual way to do the same could help us power up the system way faster reducing down time. So while automating is great, there must me a way to achieve the task manually as well.

Keep dependency on remote resources minimal, zero if possible

The systems we design has a quite long shelf life. Think a decade or so. And that brings in a new set of challenges.

Software release cycles are now faster than ever. There are software out there that goes through very fast release cycles. Maybe a software that we use directly doesn’t have a faster release cycle, but a dependency may have. Let’s say we are 5 years into the lifecycle of a system and we need to reproduce an OS image that we created 5 years ago. We have even version controlled the OS. But often the problem is developers and vendors move on to the new versions and stops supporting older versions. Not only that, remote links become obsolete, packages and softwares disappear. Yes, just like that. Simply a 404 error and we can’t reproduce the OS. Recently docker decided to get rid of images that didn’t have a pull in last 6 months. Imagine coming back after years and finding that the image doesn’t exist.

The solution to this is to have a mirrored version of the repositories or packages in-house. It’s not easy as it sounds. It also needs significant investment in the infrastructure and someone has to manage them. But it’s worth every penny. Also the vendors or developers that work with enterprise are familiar with in-prem solutions, but more than often there’s someone who is not.

In essence, dependency on anything remote should be kept minimal. It’s absolute best if there’s no dependency on remote resource at all. Be it a software repository or a single executable.

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